
As I already mentioned, DXing is one of my favourite interests in hamradio. I like to make any kind of DX-QSO and like to work any DXpedition, but specially I am collecting for some major DX Awards.
Due to antenna restrictions at my old home-QTH I had to work until 2009 all of my DX-QSOs from our clubstation DK0EE or from other stations from friends (mostly from DF3CB`s QTH)
This has been really a hard job because the way to this QTHs took me about half an hour by car, and it took a lot of time and patience to work all the DX!
Since 2009 I am lucky to own a new QTH with very good antennas (look at EQUIPMENT).
Now DXing makes much more fun than in the past!

Here I like to show you a short listing of my success in these DX-efforts and some needed-listings:
(31. Dezember 2016)


DXCC - DX-Century-Club

Collecting DXCC-entities is my favourite part in DX-business.
Since 1986 I am seriosly hunting for these entities in CW, SSB and RTTY and on all bands. In the same year, I got my first DXCC award. Over the following years I reached DXCC on CW, SSB and RTTY and on all 9 HF-bands. In 1994 5-Band-DXCC was the next goal and 2 years later I passed DXCC Honor Roll. After 17 years of active DXing, I finally worked in 2002 my last DXCC-entity and reached DXCC #1 Honor Roll in Mixed and SSB. In 2007 I reached also 6m-DXCC and RTTY Honor Roll. I now need only P5 on CW as my last CW entity as well as 5 more entities on RTTY. I am now concentrating to work the entities on every band to improve my DXCC-Challenge Score, but I like to work any DXpedition, because its always fun to break the pile ups.

DXCC-Scores (out of 339 current DXCC-entities) - (29.03.2016)
MIXED 339 339
PHONE 339 339
CW 338 338
RTTY 335 335
160 m 284 283
80 m 321 321
40 m 334 334
20 m 339 339
15 m 338 338
10 m 334 334
6-BAND 1950 1949
30 m 335 335
17 m 335 335
12 m 332 332
WARC-BAND 1002 1002
ALL BAND 2952 2951
6 m 170 169
DXCC-Challenge-Score 3122 3120

  Needed DXCC-entities (not worked)
Mixed full house !
Phone full house !
160 m a lot !
80 m 3D2/R, 3Y/B, 5W, BS7, E5/N, FT/W, JD/M, KH1, KH3, KH7, KH8, KH8S, P5, T30, T31, VK0/M, ZL9, ZS8
40 m 3Y/B, FT/W, JD/M, KH3, P5
30 m 3Y/B, FT/W, P5, ZS8
20 m full house !
17 m 3Y/B, FT/W, KH4, P5
15 m FT/W
12 m BS7, FT/W, KH4, KH5, KH7, P5, ZL9
10 m 3Y/P, BS7, KH4, KH7, ZK3
6 m a lot !


My next challenge is the so called "Slot-26"-ranking. This means to work the DXCC entities not only on a band but to work them on a band in CW, SSB and Digital mode. Here are my scores:

Slot-26 - Scores
Band Mix CW SSB Digital Mix CW SSB Digital
160 m 284 283 90 55 283 282 83 39
80 m 321 316 240 133 321 316 232 127
40 m 334 331 311 246 334 331 299 238
30 m 335 334 0 288 335 334 0 276
20 m 339 336 337 331 339 335 336 330
17 m 335 331 333 304 335 331 332 298
15 m 338 335 337 322 338 335 336 319
12 m 332 325 321 274 332 324 319 268
10 m 334 325 325 273 334 324 322 266
9-BAND   2916 2294 2226   2912 2259 2161
Slot 26   7436  worked   7332  confirmed


WAZ - Worked All Zones

In 2001 I worked my last zone (1) on 80m and reached 5-Band WAZ !
In January 2013 I worked my last zone (31) on 160m

WAZ-Scores (out of 40 CQ-zones)
MIXED 40 40
PHONE 40 40
CW 40 40
RTTY 40 40
160 m 40 40
80 m 40 40
40 m 40 40
30 m 40 40
20 m 40 40
17 m 40 40
15 m 40 40
12 m 40 40
10 m 40 40
6 m 30 29

  Needed WAZ-Zones
6 m 1, 2, 6, 10, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 32


IOTA - Islands On The Air

Since about 1998 I am also collecting seriously for IOTA-Islands. Since that time I worked a lot of islands and reached IOTA Honour Roll and IOTA Plaque of Excellence. In 2014 I reached the 1000-limit!


MIXED 1046 1040
PHONE 914 889
CW 813 755


WAS - Worked All States

WAS scores (out of 50 US States)
MIXED 50 50
PHONE 50 50
CW 50 50
RTTY 50 50
160 m 37 34
80 m 42 41
40 m 49 49
20 m 50 50
15 m 50 50
10 m 50 50

  Needed WAS-States

160 m

80 m ID, MT, ND, NV, OR, SD, UT, WY
40 m ID


US County Award

County-Award scores (out of 3076 US-Counties)
MIXED ? 1202
PHONE ? 853
CW ? 889
RTTY ? 500
80 m ? 256
40 m ? 546
20 m ? 842
15 m ? 837
10 m ? 774


WAE - Worked All Europe

MIXED - Nr. 8 SSB - Nr. 67 CW - Nr. 150 RTTY - Nr. 3

WAE-scores (73 WAE countries - 730 possible points (10 HF-bands))
MIXED 73 Countries / 712 Points 73 Countries / 702 Points
SSB 73 Countries / 599 Points 72 Countries / 566 Points
CW 73 Countries / 696 Points 73 Countries / 669 Points
RTTY 72 Countries / 553 Points 72 Countries / 449 Points


RDA - Russian District Award

RDA-Award scores (out of 2745 Russian districts)
MIXED ? 975
PHONE ? 604
CW ? 715
RTTY ? 239


WAJA - Worked All Japan Prefectures Award

WAJA-Award scores (out of 47 Japan prefectures)
MIXED 47 47
PHONE 46 46
CW 47 47
RTTY 43 43